‘Samen leren samenleven’

Op Dinsdag 12 december hielden de Vlaams minister van Onderwijs Ben Weyts en Afgevaardigd bestuurder van het GO! Koen Pelleriaux een persmomeent in Heist-op-den-Berg.

Het nieuws was dat alle 26 scholengroepen van het GO! gaan vanaf dit schooljaar aan de slag met een nieuwe invulling van de twee uur levensbeschouwelijke vakken in de 3e graad van het secundair onderwijs. Ze besteden de helft van de lestijden levensbeschouwing aan de ‘interlevensbeschouwelijke dialoog’ en aan burgerschapscompetenties. Dit besluit komt na een succesvol tweejarig pilootproject in zeven scholen in Geraardsbergen, Zottegem en Mechelen

Jammer genoeg blijkt de berichtgeving erover vandaag in De Standaard niet overeen te stemmen met hoe ILD in realiteit is opgezet. ILD is geen “nieuw vak”. Interlevensbeschouwelijke dialoog vindt plaats in het kader van de levensbeschouwelijke vakken. Vandaag voert GO! via hun eigen kanalen (de correcte) communicatie, onder andere via een persbericht in hun nieuwsbrief en die we ook delen via onze sociale media: Alle scholengroepen van het GO! van start met ‘interlevensbeschouwelijke dialoog’ - GO! (g-o.be).

Het GO! en de levensbeschouwelijke instanties maaken samen leerplannen en organiseren drukbezochte nascholingen voor leraren levensbeschouwing om een kwaliteitsvolle aanpak te garanderen. De Erkende Instanties & Vereniging zijn verantwoordelijk voor de inhoud en kwaliteitsbewaking van de levensbeschouwelijke vakken in alle onderwijsnetten op alle niveaus. Zij zijn aanspreekpunt van de Vlaamse Overheid die hen met dit doel erkend heeft.

Interlevensbeschouwelijke competenties in het onderwijs

Op 8 december 2023 heeft de secretaris-generaal een vergadering (online) bijgewoond van de stuurgroep voor interlevensbeschouwelijk dialoog in het onderwijs. Vertegenwoordigers van Gemeentelijk Onderwijs (GO!) en de Erkende Instanties en levensbeschouwelijke Vakken (EI&V) hebben jaren samen gewerkt op dit protocol en deze competenties. Leraren opleiding heeft veel positieve reacties opgeleverd en volgende week is er een persconferentie voorzien met de Vlaamse minister van onderwijs. Diegene die fysiek aanwezig waren, hebben van en kleine receptie genoten na het ondertekenen van het protocol.

Women working for peace in Cameroon

On 5 December, the Chaplain-President was humbled to attend a presentation by the Convention nationale des Femmes pour la Paix au Cameroun (1st National Women’s Convention for Peace in Cameroon (camerounpeaceconvention.org)) held at the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung in Brussels (Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (fes.de)). This interfaith group of women has made enormous strides in Cameroon in addressing jihadist violence in the north of the country and a secessionist civil war in the west of the country. We wish them all good things in their struggle for the rights of women and girls and we celebrate their ability to speak enthusiastically, firmly and constructively to all the principal protagonists in Cameroon.

Meeting with the new Federal Minister of Justice and the new Flemish Minister of the Interior

On 5 December, the Chaplain-President, Secretary-General and Second Secretary attended a meeting at the handsome Ambtswoning van de Vlaamse Regering building in Brussels to enable the presidents and secretary-generals of the Recognised Convictions to meet Paul Van Tigchelt (the new Federal minister of Justice, therefore responsible for the Recognsied Convictions at the national level) and Gwendolyn Rutten (the new Flemish minister of the Interior, therefore responsible for the Recognised Convictions in Flanders). A very comprehensive and full conversation occurred on the Israel-Hamas war, the societal impact of the Recognised Convictions, the forthcoming Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU. The Central Committee looks forward to continuing this conversation with Minister Van Tigchelt on the Conseil du Dialogue and with Minister Rutten on the VILD.

Verzoek om vrede

Op 30 november 2023, nam de secretaris-generaal deel van een vergadering van het Overlegorgaan van Christenen en Joden in België (OCJB). Normaal komt deze groep regelmatig samen in het jaar maar deze keer met bijzondere aandacht voor het oorlog tussen Israël en Hamas in het Midden Oosten. Er werd een intense gedachten wisseling zoals bij deze onderwerp hoort. Er waren ook rapporten over conferenties van afgelopen maanden met christenen en joden. Er is geen gezamenlijke verklaring tot stand gekomen maar wel verzoek om verder in dialoog te gaan, om een eind te brengen aan antisemitisme, en om solidair te zijn tegen het terrorisme. Bij afsluiting wensten wij elkaar prettige feestdagen toe.

"Du bon voisinage dans la cité" - international conference in Brussels

On 29 November, the Chaplain-President, in his capacity as professor of modern history at FUTP Bruxelles, participated in a one-day conference on the cultural and religious aspects of good-neighbourliness, organised by FUTP Bruxelles and CARES Brussels in the magnificent Hôtel communal d'Etterbeek. Jack's paper focused on the ongoing ill effects for the modern Cameroonian diaspora in Europe of French colonialism in Cameroon. Speakers from universities in Paris, Liège, Marseille, Brussels and UCLouvain followed. The day was crowned with a ceremony to award an honorary doctorate to the great French philosopher Olivier Abel (À propos - (olivierabel.fr)).

The next Chapter

On Tuesday 21 November 2023, the Secretary-General of the Central Committee participated in meetings with 3 different Chapters*. In the morning, he chaired the meeting of the Clergy Chapter for Belgium & Luxembourg in his capacity as Area Dean. In the afternoon, there was a meeting of the Chapter of Area Deans across the Diocese in Europe. Finally, there was an evening meeting of the Chapter of Canons in the Diocese in Europe. All of this is possible through online meetings and has the goal of building bridges of communication between Anglican churches across Europe.

*Like a 'chapter' in a book, which divides sections of an overall story, the word 'Chapter' is used to organise certain sections of the overall ministry of the Anglican church.

Visit from Lambeth Palace

On 16 November, the Chaplain-President, acting in his capacity as Bishop Robert's adviser for EU affairs, was delighted to meet Dr Charles Reed, the Adviser for International Affairs at Lambeth Palace, who was spending several days in Brussels. Many constructive views about the role of the Anglican Church in the EU were exchanged over the sublime Greek coffee in the Café Papillon next to the European Council.

Article 17 Dialogue in the European Parliament

On 15 November, the Chaplain-President, in his capacity as Bishop Robert's adviser for EU affairs, participated in the Article 17 dialogue on AI held in the library of the European Parliament. The growth of artificial intelligence poses huge questions for truth, honesty and factual accuracy in public life, for human employment and for the boundary of human and artificial control and action. A vigorous debate took place about the role of the EU as a body based on human rights, the rule of law and democracy in regulating the use of AI.

Fête du Roi / Koningsdag

On 15 November, the Chaplain-President had the privilege of representing the Anglicans of Belgium at the King's Day celebrations, first at the Te Deum in the Catholic cathedral in Brussels (at which Mgr Luc Terlinden preached), then at a series of speeches in the House of Representatives in Parliament. The speeches were given by the Presidents of the House of Representatives and the Senate and by the Prime Minister. King Albert and Queen Paola represented HM the King and HM the Queen. A particularly lovely and moving aspect of the celebrations was an exhibition of paintings on the Belgian monarchy painted by children who attend schools for children with learning difficulties: by far the loudest applause was reserved for these children when they were introduced to the House of Representatives.

Refugee support in Calais

On 13 and 14 November, the Chaplain-President, in his capacity as Bishop Robert's adviser for EU affairs, welcomed Mr Bradon Muilenburg to Brussels. Bradon is the Diocese in Europe's new Refugee Support Lead in Calais, in a project jointly supported by the Diocese in Europe, the Diocese of Canterbury and the historic Anglican missionary charity USPG: Anglican Refugee Support Lead appointed in Calais | Diocese in Europe. Jack showed Bradon round the European Quarter in Brussels and they both met Dr Torsten Moritz, General Secretary of CCME and a key person for Jack's work in the EU: Home - Churches' Commission for Migrants in Europe % (ccme.eu).

Welcome to Belgium!

On Saturday 11 November 2023, the Second Secretary, together with volunteers from St. Martha and St. Mary’s Anglican Church in Leuven and the Sant’Egidio community in Leuven, was at Zaventem airport to welcome seven Syrian families arriving in Belgium from Lebanon.

Sant’Egidio prepared a warm welcome at the airport for the 29 people who emigrated to Belgium, with speeches, flowers and refreshments. Some of new arrivals already had family members in Belgium and it was very moving to see them reunited after years of being apart.

This is the third time that the Anglican Church in Belgium is taking part in Sant’Egidio’s Humanitarian Corridors project and welcomes a family from Syria. It is also the second time for the local church in Leuven. This time, they are hosting a family of four: Osama and Dima, with their son Ali (5) and their daughter Selena (3). The parents are eager to see the children start attending Belgian schools, and they themselves are looking forward to learning Dutch and hope to soon be able to put their degrees to use.

We are very thankful for the group of volunteers from various local faith communities who will offer Osama and Dima practical support as they adjust to life in a completely new context, and help guide them through the asylum-seeking and integration process. We are also grateful to all the chaplaincies in Belgium who have contributed to this project and made it possible!

Stepping out into the unknown and leaving everything familiar behind is never easy. We hope that Osama, Dima, Ali and Selena feel welcomed and safe here. We are honoured to journey alongside this family, and we wish them all the best as they settle into their new lives.

Commemorating the Armistice in Namur

On 12 November, the Chaplain-President represented the Anglicans of Belgium at an Armistice Commemoration in the Cimetière de Belgrade in Namur, led by his colleague in FUTP Bruxelles, Prof Jean-François Husson, a noted expert on the close relations between Namur and the British and Irish armed forces. The Chaplain-President gave a speech, along with Eliane Tillieux (Speaker of the Belgian Parliament), Maxime Prévot (Mayor of Namur), Alain Gendron (Canadian Ambassador to Belgium), Kevin Conmy (Irish Ambassador to Belgium), and high representatives of the Belgian and British armies. The Chaplain-President, accompanied by two chaplains of the Belgian military Service d'Assistance Religieuse et Morale, was privileged to lay flowers at the tomb of Padre RM Henderson of the British Royal Army Chaplains' Department, who died of Spanish flu in Namur in 1919. The Cimetière de Belgrade is a remarkable resting place for Belgian, French, Italian, Commonwealth (British, Irish, Canadian, Indian, Australian, New Zealand) and Soviet troops who died in action near Namur in both World Wars. It encapsulates Belgium's and Europe's blood-soaked history, to which the Central Committee responds with service and hope for the future of the Belgian people.

105th Armistice Day in Ieper

The Secretary-General was honoured to pray during the commemoration ceremonies at the Menin Gate in Ieper (Ypres) on Armistice Day, 11 November 2023. A poem was also offered by the Secular Humanist consultant and a prayer was done by the Protestant Pastor, Christian Bultinck. Currently, the chaplaincy is in vacancy, so the Secretary-General was pleased to be able to take part, as well as preach and lead the service at St. George’s Memorial Church prior to the ceremony at the Menin Gate.

The service in the church was well attended in a way that had not been seen since before the pandemic.

Due to renovations on the Menin Gate, the outdoor ceremony took place next to the Gate or the first time. After weeks of rain and flooding in certain parts of West Flanders, the proceedings took place under glorious sunshine.

At the ceremony, Prime Minister De Croo, Minister Diependaele, 9 ambassadors and many members of the public laid wreaths in tribute to those who have sacrificed their lives for the freedom that Belgium now enjoys. The current conflicts in Ukraine and Israel & Gaza were at the forefront of our thoughts.

Meeting of Humanitarian Corridors Taskforce

On Thursday November 26, the Secretary General and the Second Secretary attended a meeting of the Humanitarian Corridors' Taskforce at the Community of Sant’Egidio’s headquarters in Brussels, along with representatives from the Roman Catholic and Protestant churches.
They received an update from Prof. Dr. Jan De Volder about the situation of refugees in both Lebanon and Pakistan, and he highlighted the need for more communities in Belgium that are willing to welcome and sponsor families and support their integration into Belgian society.

Since 2019, the Anglican Church in Belgium has already welcomed several families through the Humanitarian Corridors scheme and hopes to continue partnering with Sant’Egidio in the coming years to offer safe refuge to families fleeing life-threatening situations.

Vergadering met de Vlaamse overheid

Op 27 oktober heeft de kapelaan-voorzitter vergaderd op zoom samen met vertegenwoordigers van de andere levensbeschouwingen en de Vlaamse overheid. De discussie ging over de financiering van de erkende levensbeschouwingen in Vlaanderen, de erkenning van nieuwe parochies en de werkingskosten van de representatieve organen waaronder ook het Centraal Comité van de Anglicaanse Eredienst in België. We zullen in de eerste week van november weer eens samenkomen om dit alles verder te bespreken.