Keeping the seat warm: Malines Conversations Centenary planning

While the Chaplain-President is on medical leave, the Secretary-General kept his seat warm at a planning meeting for a major conference commemorating the Centenary of the Malines Conversations which will take place 18-20 September 2025 in Mechelen/Malines. An impressive list of speakers has been assembled at the request of Archbishop Luc Terlinden to remember and learn from the dialogue that took place 100 years ago and re-set ecumenical relations between the Roman Catholic and Anglican church after centuries of animosity. In addition to bishops and academics, this conference will be of interest to anyone who cares about ecumenism and how Christians in Belgium - of every race, language and denomination - can work together for a better world.

Professionaliseringstraject Vlaamse kerkraden tussentijdsevaluatie

In 2023 begon een proefproject tussen de Vlaamse overheid, Thomas More Hoge School en de representatieve organen in Vlaanderen over een professionaliseringstraject om leden van de kerkraad beter opleiding te geven over hun rol. Af en toe komen de stakeholders samen om het project te evalueren. Op maandag 24 februari 2025 nam de secretaris-generaal deel namens de anglicaanse eredienst. Hoewel de studenten hebben veel positieve ervaring met deze opleiding, zijn er ook wat vraagtekens over de cijfers en investeringen van geld en tijd. Dit proefproject zal afgerond zijn in 2026.

First Anglican Filipino service in Mechelen

On Sunday the 23rd of February was the first Anglican Filipino service in Mechelen. Despite public transport problems, an encouraging number joined together in worship and fellowship. The service was followed by a delicious meal, as this is this community’s tradition.

We are so grateful to the RC Church for the use of their beautiful building. We give thanks for our Filipino brothers and sisters, and wish them every blessing as they start this new chapter!

Who ya gonna call? Jewish-Christian dialogue

On Thursday 20 February 2025, the Secretary-General and the Second Secretary were honoured to be present at a very special meeting of the Belgian branch of Jewish-Christian Dialogue, which welcomed the President of the International Council of Christians and Jews, Rabbi David Fox Sandmel. Rabbi Sandmel gave an emotional plea to those in attendance for the continued relevance of Jewish-Christian dialogue in the 21st Century as well as encouraging the ‘radical idea’ of trilateral dialogue with Jews, Christians & Muslims.

The meeting also welcomed a new representative on behalf of the Conference of Roman Catholic bishops, Mgr. Jean Kockerels.

A lecture was delivered by Dr. Dennis Baert on the necessity of Jewish-Christian dialogue to confront the ‘ghosts’ of St. Paul’s theology of the Law to help us move beyond binary representations of these faiths in simplistic terms such as ‘Law vs. Love’. This began with references to the film ‘Ghostbusters’ and concluded with suggests for how both Jews and Christians in the 21st Century could best respond to Paul and his theology.

The President of the Jewish Consistoire, Philippe Markiewicz, welcomed the members to the synagogue and described its historical importance in the life of Brussels and the nation of Belgium.

You can read more about this thought-provoking meeting in this article by Ms. Kelly Keasberry, a columnist for the Nederlands Dagblad.

Chaplain-President on the mend after taking a tumble

On 25 January, Jack slipped on a pavement in Leeds whilst visiting family. The unfortunate result was a destroyed left elbow, which was replaced with a titanium prosthesis by the orthopedic surgeons at Leeds General Infirmary on 30 January. Jack is following the Central Committee closely during his convalescence and rehabilitation. He thanks colleagues and friends very warmly for their prayers, best wishes and offers of help. He looks forward to returning to the work of the Central Committee as soon as the doctors permit it.

Vlaams Interlevensbeschouwelijke Dialoog

Op 14 februari 2025 zijn de twee secretarissen van het Centraal Comité bij de vergadering van het Vlaams Interlevensbeschouwelijke Dialoog (VILD) geweest. Eindelijk heeft België zowel een Vlaamse- en een Federale regering. Er was discussie over de nieuwe ministers van beide niveaus.

De Vlaamse overheid was goed vertegenwoordigd door meneer Mohamed Lahlali. Hij gaf toelichting over verschillende zaken, o.a. een mogelijke engagmentsverklaring over het belang van het gebruik van het Nederlands door de bedienaren van de erediest. Daarnaast was er kennismaking met de Vlaamse Vereniging van Steden en Gemeenten (VVSG). En wij hebben ook verslag gehoord van mevrouw Lindsy Desmet over de erkenning van spirituele zorgverleners.

Emouna Belgium at Holy Trinity Brussels

On 12 February, the Vice-president, Secretary-General and Second Secretary were pleased to host the Emouna Belgique session that is held annually at Holy Trinity Brussels.

Emouna is an interfaith leadership program that focuses on study, reflection, inter-religious dialogue and social engagement.

The theme for the day was religious art, with lectures from specialists and a time for creative expression at an art atelier in the afternoon. Before the classes, the Vice-president and former Emouna-participant, Eric Sibomana, gave a tour of the church and shared about some of the unique aspects of the Anglican Church in Belgium and worldwide.

One in Christ: 1700 years since Nicea

This year, Christians around the world are exploring the Nicene Creed and the Council that led to its development with fresh eyes as we celebrate its 1700th anniversary. On Friday 7 February 2025, the School of the Early Church Fathers, which is a cooperative project between the Roman Catholic diocese and Orthodox church in Gent, hosted an impressive Colloquium to share some of the history and spirituality leading up to the formation of the Nicene Creed and its effects that remain in the present day.

The event took place in the Byzantine Chapel at the Old Abbey in Drongen. The list of speakers featured Fr. Dominique Verbeke (Orthodox), Prof. Dr. Maria Verhoeff (ETF, protestant), Metropolitan bishop Job Getcha of Pisidië (Orthodox), Dr. Kees den Biesen (Syrian-Orthodox), Cardinal Joseph De Kesel (Roman Catholic), Prof. Dr. Peter De Mey (KU Leuven) and the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams (Anglican).

Music and times of prayer brought to life the thoughts and experiences of the Early Church and there was a general atmosphere of ecumenical cooperation throughout.

Interfaith Harmony Breakfast with Sant'Egidio

The Second Secretary and Secretary General were honoured to attend the Interfaith Harmony Breakfast in the place of the Chaplain President while he is on medical leave. The breakfast was hosted by Sant’Egidio, Belgium. Baron Jan De Volder welcomed all the guests warmly and gave a moving lecture about the need for hope and resilience in the midst of an ever changing social and political landscape. The guests then had the opportunity to share their thoughts and make proposal in an informal manner. It was an excellent atmophere of cooperation and harmony. The Anglican Church in Belgium is always pleased to work together with Sant’Egidio to help those who are often overlooked in our society and to strive for peace and justice in this world.

Federale regering = federale dialoog

Op maandag 3 februari 2025 heeft de anglicaanse eredienst de andere 7 erkende levensbeschouwingen verwelkomt bij Holy Trinity, Brussel voor een vergadering van FIDIF, de interlevensbeschouwelijke dialoog op het federaal niveau. Deze vergadering vond plaats in opvolging van het nieuwe regeerakkoord van de federale overheid. Natuurlijk ging de discussie rond de inhoud van het akkoord en de impact op de levensbeschouwingen. Daarnaast was er sprake van de gewenste aanwezigheid van levensbeschouwelijke aalmoezeniers en consulenten op de luchthaven in Zaventem en ook in het Belgische leger.

Licensing and Installation of the Revd. Myron Penner as the new Senior Chaplain of Saint John’s Anglican Church in Ghent

On Sunday the 2nd of February, the Secretary-General and the Second Secretary were delighted to attend the licensing of the Revd. Dr. Myron Penner as the new Senior Chaplain of Saint John’s Anglican Church in Ghent.

The service took place in the beautiful Sint-Elisabethkerk and the Archdeacon of North-West Europe, the Ven. Sam van Leer, presided. During the service, Revd. Myron was warmly welcomed by members of the parish and received gifts that represented areas of his ministry within the church and the city of Ghent. Jodi Penner graced the congregation with an amazing rendition of Handel’s “Let the Bright Seraph”, and to end the service, the whole congregation processed outside to the tune of “We Are Walking in the Light of God”. A delicious lunch, provided by members of the congregation, was served afterwards.

The Central Committee also wishes the Revd. Myron and his wife, Jodi, many blessings as they begin this new chapter, and we wish them all the best as they settle into life in Belgium.

Licensing and Installation of the Revd. Arani Sen as the new Chancellor and Senior Chaplain of Holy Trinity Brussels

On Saturday the 1st of February, the Second Secretary attended the licensing of the Reverend Arani Sen as the new Chancellor and Senior Chaplain of Holy Trinity Brussels, the Pro-Cathedral of the Diocese in Europe.

The Right Revd Dr Robert Innes carried out the licensing and presided at a service that included worship in various languages, and which was attended by clergy from across Belgium, the Diocese in Europe and the Church of England, including the Bishop of London, The Right Reverend and Right Honourable Dame Sarah Mullally, and the Venerable Sam van Leer, archdeacon of Benelux. Arani was also welcomed by ecumenical friends from the city of Brussels and a representative from the British embassy. A lovely reception followed in Walker Hall.

The Central Committee also wishes the Revd. Arani and his wife, Alison, many blessings as they begin this new chapter and we wish them all the best as they settle into life in Belgium.

La 37ᵉ édition de l’International Military Chiefs of Chaplains Conference (IMCCC) 

La 37ᵉ édition de l’International Military Chiefs of Chaplains Conference (IMCCC) s’est ouverte le 27 janvier 2025 en Belgique, marquant une première historique pour cet événement international qui rassemble les aumôniers militaires du monde entier. Cette année, la conférence, qui se déroule jusqu’au 31 janvier, est placée sous le thème « Dialogue pour la paix mondiale », mettant en avant l’importance du dialogue interreligieux et interculturel dans la construction d’un monde plus pacifique.

La cérémonie d’ouverture s’est tenue à la Cathédrale Saint-Jacques du Coudenberg, un lieu emblématique de Bruxelles, en présence de nombreuses personnalités civiles, militaires et religieuses. Eric Sibomana, vice-président du Comité central Anglican et project manager du culte Anglican au sein de La Défense belge, a pris part à deux moments symboliques forts de cette soirée.

D’abord, il a participé à l’allumage des bougies, un geste solennel réunissant les représentants de toutes les convictions reconnues et en voie de reconnaissance au sein de La Défense belge. Ce moment de recueillement a illustré l’unité et l’engagement collectif en faveur de la paix. Ensuite, il a contribué à la lecture des réflexions sur la paix, soulignant par ses paroles l’importance du dialogue et de la spiritualité dans la prévention des conflits et la promotion d’un vivre-ensemble harmonieux.

Cette édition de l’IMCCC, accueillie pour la première fois en Belgique, témoigne de l’engagement des Forces armées belges à favoriser la coopération interconvictionnelle au service de la paix mondiale. 

Genocide commemoration 2025

Historically, the Belgian government has recognised 6 genocides in the world. Each year, a commemorative ceremony takes place in the federal parliament building. On Friday 24 January 2025, the Vice-president and Secretary-General of the Central Committee were honoured to represent the Anglican churches in Belgium on this important occasion.

The Chair of the Parliament hosted the event along with the Member of Parliament who drafted the motion to create the annual commemoration, as well as the Minister of Justice, Paul Van Tigchelt. Those in attendance, including students, heard several powerful speeches about the causes of genocides, how to recognise the conditions that lead to a genocide, as well as how our society could stop the cycle of violence.

The speeches were interspersed with violin duets and the event closed with a reception. It is our hope and prayer that no additional genocides ever be added to this list in the future because humanity will seek peaceful ways to resolve its conflicts.

Nicea 1700

The Anglican Church in Belgium is celebrating two major anniversaries in 2025. From 18 to 21 September in Mechelen, we will be fully involved in the centenary celebrations of the ground-breaking Malines Conversations between Anglicans and Catholics, spearheaded by Cardinal Mercier. On 21 January, the Chaplain-President met with other chefs de culte in Belgium to discuss how the Christian Churches in Belgium would celebrate the 1700th anniversary this year of the first Ecumenical Council of Nicea in 325 and the Nicene Creed which the council drafted. Anglican worship still uses the Nicene Creed in the Holy Communion service and it remains the confession of faith of all the mainstream and orthodox Christian Churches.

Theresientstadt: Their memory lives on

On Monday, 20 January 2025, while much of the world watched America, the Great Synagogue in Brussels hosted an evening of music preserving the voices of those who were imprisoned in Theresienstadt (modern day Czech Republic) and to commemorate the end of the Holocaust. The President of the Jewish Community in Belgium, Philippe Markiewicz welcomed those present. He was followed by representatives of the Austrian and Czech embassies who set the tone for the evening, imploring each of us to remember the lessons from the Second World War.  Wolfgang Holzmair brought the songs to life with his impressive operatic voice and story-telling while Olivier Godin accompanied him on piano. The Secretary-General was pleased to represent the Anglican Church in Belgium at this special occasion.

Visit by the Anglican Filipino community to two Catholic churches in Mechelen

On 17 January, the Chaplain-President, Secretary-General and Second Secretary, together with the Revd June Mark Yanez (St Boniface Antwerp) and several members of the Anglican Filipino community in Antwerp, Brussels and Leuven, were delighted to visit two Catholic churches in Mechelen-Sint-Katelijne-Waver: the Goede-Herderkerk and the Sint-Augustinuskerk. Our visits were guided by our good friends Mgr Steven Wielandts (Vicar-General of the Catholic diocese of Mechelen-Brussels) and Deacon Koen Jacobs (the officer responsible for ecumenism in that diocese) and of course members of the kerkraad in each of the churches. Exploratory discussions are taking place about the possibility of organising an Anglican mission in Mechelen oriented towards the substantial Anglican Tagalog-speaking community in Belgium. As always, we were humbled by the warmth of our Catholic brothers and sisters' welcome to us, and we hope and pray for warm ecumenical friendships in the future.

Bienvenue en Belgique !

Parmi les six doctorants du chapelain-président figure M. Silvère Olongo, un Camerounais qui prépare sa thèse sur les attitudes protestantes au Cameroun envers la communauté LGBT. Bien que Silvère travaille avec Jack déjà depuis deux ans, ce n'est que récemment qu'il obtient un visa pour étudier en Belgique. Le 14 janvier, Jack avait le plaisir de l'accueillir en personne à la FUTP Bruxelles et de lui offrir de la cuisine bruxelloise !

Meeting with the British Ministry of Defence about nuclear disarmament

On 9 January - a snowy day in Belgium - the Chaplain-President and Bishop Robert had an online meeting with Mr Ed Read, Deputy Director Nuclear Defence Organisation in the UK Ministry of Defence, to discuss conflict and peace in Europe, the prospects for nuclear disarmament, and the ways in which Anglicans in Europe can contribute towards international peace-building.

Réunion entre les convictions reconnues et la direction-générale des établissements pénitentiaires

Le 7 janvier aux locaux du Service Public Fédéral Justice, le chapelain-président et le vice-président (lui-même coordinateur de l'équipe carcérale anglicane) étaient ravis de s'entretenir avec la nouvelle directrice-générale des établissements pénitentiaires, Madame Kathleen Van De Vijver, et son cabinet. De nombreuses questions pertinentes sur l'organisation des aumôneries pénitentiaires en Belgique ont été posées et des discussions très fructueuses ont eu lieu. Nous sommes fiers du travail dévoué de notre équipe pénitentiaire anglicane.