105th Armistice Day in Ieper

The Secretary-General was honoured to pray during the commemoration ceremonies at the Menin Gate in Ieper (Ypres) on Armistice Day, 11 November 2023. A poem was also offered by the Secular Humanist consultant and a prayer was done by the Protestant Pastor, Christian Bultinck. Currently, the chaplaincy is in vacancy, so the Secretary-General was pleased to be able to take part, as well as preach and lead the service at St. George’s Memorial Church prior to the ceremony at the Menin Gate.

The service in the church was well attended in a way that had not been seen since before the pandemic.

Due to renovations on the Menin Gate, the outdoor ceremony took place next to the Gate or the first time. After weeks of rain and flooding in certain parts of West Flanders, the proceedings took place under glorious sunshine.

At the ceremony, Prime Minister De Croo, Minister Diependaele, 9 ambassadors and many members of the public laid wreaths in tribute to those who have sacrificed their lives for the freedom that Belgium now enjoys. The current conflicts in Ukraine and Israel & Gaza were at the forefront of our thoughts.