Welcome to Belgium!

On Saturday 11 November 2023, the Second Secretary, together with volunteers from St. Martha and St. Mary’s Anglican Church in Leuven and the Sant’Egidio community in Leuven, was at Zaventem airport to welcome seven Syrian families arriving in Belgium from Lebanon.

Sant’Egidio prepared a warm welcome at the airport for the 29 people who emigrated to Belgium, with speeches, flowers and refreshments. Some of new arrivals already had family members in Belgium and it was very moving to see them reunited after years of being apart.

This is the third time that the Anglican Church in Belgium is taking part in Sant’Egidio’s Humanitarian Corridors project and welcomes a family from Syria. It is also the second time for the local church in Leuven. This time, they are hosting a family of four: Osama and Dima, with their son Ali (5) and their daughter Selena (3). The parents are eager to see the children start attending Belgian schools, and they themselves are looking forward to learning Dutch and hope to soon be able to put their degrees to use.

We are very thankful for the group of volunteers from various local faith communities who will offer Osama and Dima practical support as they adjust to life in a completely new context, and help guide them through the asylum-seeking and integration process. We are also grateful to all the chaplaincies in Belgium who have contributed to this project and made it possible!

Stepping out into the unknown and leaving everything familiar behind is never easy. We hope that Osama, Dima, Ali and Selena feel welcomed and safe here. We are honoured to journey alongside this family, and we wish them all the best as they settle into their new lives.