Ash Wednesday - As woensdag - Mercredi des cendres

Ash Wednesday marks the start of Lent, the season before Easter and approximately 6 weeks of fasting and penance.

In the Anglican Church, the prayer for today is:

Almighty and everlasting God, you hate nothing that you have made and forgive the sins of all those who are penitent: create and make in us new and contrite hearts that we, worthily lamenting our sins and acknowledging our wretchedness, may receive from you, the God of all mercy, perfect remission and forgiveness; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Dieu tout-puissant et éternel, toi qui ne hais rien de ce que tu as fait et qui pardonnes les péchés de tous ceux qui sont pénitents, crée et façonne en nous des cœurs nouveaux et contrits, afin que, déplorant dignement nos péchés et reconnaissant notre misère, nous recevions de toi, le Dieu de toute miséricorde, une rémission et un pardon parfaits, par Jésus-Christ notre Seigneur. Amen.

Almachtige en eeuwige God, U haat niets van wat U gemaakt hebt en vergeeft de zonden van allen die berouw hebben: schep en maak in ons nieuwe en berouwvolle harten, opdat wij, waardig onze zonden betreurend en onze ellende erkennend, van U, de God van alle barmhartigheid, volkomen vergeving en vergeving mogen ontvangen; door Jezus Christus, onze Heer. Amen.

Meeting at Comece on Christian values in the European elections

On 13 February, both Bishop Robert and the Chaplain-President attended a meeting at Comece which was co-organised by Comece (the commission of the RC bishops' conferences in the EU states), CEC (the conference of European Protestant, Orthodox, Anglican and Old Catholic Churches) and the IAO (the Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy). A wide array of MEPs, observers from the European Commission, members of national parliaments and other interested parties discussed how to encourage the acknowledgement of Christian values in the debates leading up to the European elections, and how to combat Christian values being weaponised by political parties for ethno-nationalist motives. The discussion was energetic and constructive, and the group agreed to meet again in the near future.

Article 17 Dialogue

On 13 February, the Chaplain-President, in his capacity as Bishop Robert's adviser for EU affairs, attended and spoke at the European Parliament's Article 17 Dialogue on "Raising awareness against disinformation and foreign interference in the European elections". A very full committee-room heard a number of impassioned speeches on how the religions and philosophical organisations can contribute towards spreading true and accurate information about the European elections and fostering true and accurate beliefs about what the European Union is and does.

Shrove Tuesday - Vastenavond - Mardi gras

Photo by M Draa on Unsplash

Shrove Tuesday is the feast day before Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent.

Also known as ‘Fat Tuesday’ or ‘Pancake Day’, the tradition of British Christians enjoying pancakes on Shrove Tuesday dates back to the 16th century. It was customary in many cultures to eat pancakes or other foods made with the butter, eggs, and fat that would be given up during the Lenten season.

In the Anglican Church, the prayer for this day is:

Almighty Father, whose Son was revealed in majesty before he suffered death upon the cross: give us grace to perceive his glory, that we may be strengthened to suffer with him and be changed into his likeness, from glory to glory; who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Père tout-puissant, dont le Fils s'est révélé dans sa majesté avant de souffrir la mort sur la croix, donne-nous la grâce de percevoir sa gloire, afin que nous soyons fortifiés pour souffrir avec lui et être transformés en sa ressemblance, de gloire en gloire, lui qui est vivant et règne avec toi, dans l'unité du Saint-Esprit, un seul Dieu, maintenant et pour les siècles des siècles. Amen.

Almachtige Vader, uw Zoon werd geopenbaard in majesteit voordat hij de dood onderging aan het kruis: geef ons genade om zijn heerlijkheid waar te nemen, zodat we gesterkt worden om met hem te lijden en te veranderen in zijn gelijkenis, van heerlijkheid tot heerlijkheid; die leeft en regeert met u, in de eenheid van de Heilige Geest, één God, nu en voor altijd. Amen.

Article 17 Dialogue discussion on EU-Pakistan relations

On 12 February, the Chaplain-President represented Bishop Robert at a discussion of the relations between the EU and Pakistan hosted at the European Commission by Baron Frans van Daele, the EU's Special Envoy for Freedom of Religion and Belief, prior to the Special Envoy's forthcoming visit to Pakistan. A wide-ranging and positive discussion took place about ways of fostering closer relations between the EU and Pakistan and about the best ways of confronting particular issues between the EU and Pakistan, such as blasphemy laws, the legal protection of religious minorities and secular humanists, and the education of the general public about religious minorities.

Emouna Belgique at Holy Trinity Brussels

On 7 February, the Chaplain-President, Secretary-General and Second Secretary were pleased to host the Emouna Belgique session that is held annually at Holy Trinity Brussels.

Emouna is an interfaith leadership program that focuses on study, reflection, inter-religious dialogue and social engagement. This year, there are two participants from Anglican churches in Belgian attending.

The theme for the day was religious art, with lectures from specialists and a time for creative expression at art atelier in the afternoon. Before the classes, the Chaplain-President gave a tour of the church and a delicious lunch was provided by the Community Kitchen charity, which is run from Holy Trinity.

Dr Rowan Williams lectures in Brussels

Chaplain-president Jack McDonald, Bishop Robert Innes, Armin Kummer, Revd Annie Bolger, The Most Revd Dr Rowan Williams

The former Archbishop of Canterbury, The Most Reverend Dr Rowan Williams, visited Brussels this past weekend. His schedule included a lecture on “Doctrinal diversity and Christian communion”, which focused on the important role that different views and practices play within the Church as a whole and how vital it is to create spaces for dialogue in which a heterogeneity of voices can be heard.

Both the Chaplain-president and the Second Secretary attended the lecture, which was organised by the Communauté Internationale Saint-Dominique and Holy Trinity Brussels, and Prof McDonald moderated the Q & A session after the lecture. The event was well attended and theme of the day was highlighted in the diverseness of denominations that were represented.

Vlaams Interlevensbeschouwelijke Dialoog

Op 2 februari 2024 hebben de secretaris-generaal en tweede secretaris van het Centraal Comité van de Anglicaanse Eredienst in België de laatste vergadering van het Vlaams Interlevensbeschouwelijke Dialoog (VILD) bijgewoond.

Het dialoog heeft onder andere gesproken over: erkenning van spirituele zorgverleners, stand van zaken van erkenningsdossiers, de situatie in het Midden-Oosten, de parlementaire commissies over seksueel misbruik, en over de verkiezingen.

Candlemas - La Chandeleur - Maria-Lichtmis

Candlemas, also known as the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus Christ, commemorates the presentation of Jesus at the Temple.

In Belgium, we celebrate by eating pancakes as they symbolise the lengthening days after a dark winter and use up the wheat from the previous year’s harvest.

In the Anglican Church, the prayer for this day is:

Almighty and ever-living God, clothed in majesty, whose beloved Son was this day presented in the Temple, in substance of our flesh: grant that we may be presented to you with pure and clean hearts, by your Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Dieu tout-puissant et vivant, revêtu de majesté, dont le Fils bien-aimé a été présenté aujourd'hui dans le Temple, en substance de notre chair : accorde-nous de nous présenter à toi avec des cœurs purs, par ton Fils Jésus-Christ notre Seigneur. Amen.

Almachtige en eeuwig levende God, bekleed met majesteit, wiens geliefde Zoon vandaag in de Tempel werd voorgesteld, in vlees zoals dat van ons: geef dat wij aan u worden voorgesteld met zuivere en reine harten, door uw Zoon Jezus Christus, onze Heer. Amen.

1 jaar digitalisering erediensten

De zon straalde binnen het mooi grenoveerde bibliotheek van Mechelen op 1 februari 2024 voor een bijeenkomst met de Agentschap Binnenlands Bestuur en de erkende erediensten in Vlaanderen. Het was precies 1 jaar geleden dat alle communicatie tussen de lokale gemeenschappen en de overheden digitaal moeten plaatsvinden. De secretaris-generaal heeft de anglicaanse eredienst vertegenwoordigd. Opmerkelijk is dat 99,9% van de geloofsgemeenschappen in Vlaanderen hebben de verandering gemaakt. Dat grote succes is gewaardeerd en het is gehoopt dat deze samenwerking voorbeeld voor de toekomst kan zijn. De deelnemers hebben daarna genoten van een lekkere lunch.

Annual Sant'Egidio Interfaith Harmony Breakfast

On 1 February, the Chaplain-President was honoured to represent the Anglicans of Belgium and Bishop Robert at the annual breakfast for interfaith leaders organised in the Hôtel Plaza in Brussels by our great friends Sant'Egidio Belgium. The breakfast takes place in the context of World Interfaith Harmony Week. The morning was opened by Baron Jan De Volder, a colleague of Jack's in KU Leuven and the guiding force behind the Humanitarian Corridors initiative in which the Central Committee is deeply invested, this year with the precious help of St Martha and St Mary's Anglican Church Leuven. The principal speaker was Mevr Nicole de Moor, Secretary of State for Asylum and Migration in Prime Minister De Croo's government. A most interesting discussion followed on the detail of the EU's new Migration and Asylum Pact and its implications for the safety of asylum-seekers and other migrants coming into Europe.

To find out more about this event and the wonderful work of Sant’Egidio, visit their website.

World Interfaith Harmony Week

Established by the UN, the World Interfaith Harmony Week runs from February 1 to February 7.

With the motto ‘Love of God, and Love of the Neighbour’, and ‘Love of the Good, and Love of the Neighbour’, this week is all about promoting harmony among peoples of different faiths, at a time when interreligious conflict is claiming lives and livelihoods all over the world.

We are grateful for all the fruitful work faith groups and secularist communities carry out in Belgium and we pray that we may continue to be increasingly aware of each other and strengthen ties to bring evermore peace and harmony to our communities.

Réception du Nouvel An offerte par SM le Roi

Le 30 janvier, the chapelain-président a eu l'honneur de représenter les anglicans de Belgique à la réception du Nouvel An donnée par le Roi. Cette année, la réception avait lieu au palais de Laeken, le palais de Bruxelles étant en rénovation. Le Premier ministre et le Roi ont tous les deux prononcé d'excellents discours sur les défis auxquels la Belgique et l'Europe sont confrontées aujourd'hui : la précarité sociale et le changement climatique sont des phénomènes particulièrement préoccupants. Les discours étaient suivis d'une réception très conviviale.

National Ecumenical Service in Brussels

On 25 January, the final day of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, the Chaplain-President was honoured to represent the Anglicans of Belgium at the national veillée oecuménique, held this year at the Catholic cathedral in Brussels and presided by Archbishop Luc Terlinden. Jack was blessed by the further Anglican representation and support of Reverends Sunny Hallanan (All Saints' Waterloo) and Jean-Bosco Turahirwa (Holy Trinity Brussels), who both said prayers in the service, embodying more fully the diversity (and unity) of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

Commemorating the Holocaust in the most difficult times

In anticipation of the International Holocaust Memorial Day on 27 January (the day that Soviet troops liberated the extermination-camp at Auschwitz in 1945), the Chaplain-President, in his capacity as Bishop Robert's adviser for EU affairs, was humbled and honoured to attend a Holocaust memorial conference in the European Council buildings, organised by the European Commission on 23 January. An array of senior EU officers and diplomats were present, chaired by Margaritis Schinas, Vice-President of the European Commission. The most moving part of the beautifully-constructed evening was a conversation between Katharina von Schnurbein (European Commission coordinator against antisemitism and well-known in the parish of Holy Trinity Brussels) and Regina Sluszny, a Holocaust survivor from Antwerpen, a Jewish girl hidden for years from the Gestapo by her Catholic neighbours. An exceptional speech from Sergey Lagodinsky MEP powerfully outlined the need for peace in both Israel and Palestine, a peace to end both antisemitism and islamophobia. For this peace the Central Committee prays earnestly.

Anglicaans themajaar planning met PARCUM

Op 22 januari 2024 hebben de kapelaan voorzitter, secretaris-generaal en tweede secretaris vergaderd met mvrw Julie Aerts van PARCUM rond het themajaar van de Anglicaanse eredienst in België. PARCUM is meer dan een museum van religieuze onderwerpen. PARCUM is een expertise centrum voor advies over alles wat erfgoed - roerend, onroerend, immaterieel - betreft.

Wij zijn begonnen met plannen om het erfgoed van de anglicanen in Vlaanderen beter in kaart te brengen en opleidingen voor de parochies. Stay tuned!

Gebedsweek voor christelijke eenheid 2024

Op 21 januari 2024 had de secretaris-generaal de eer en plezier om de anglicaanse kerk te Ieper te vertegenwoordigen bij de oecumenische viering tijdens de jaarlijkse gebedsweek voor christelijke eenheid.

Dit jaar wordt de liturgie voorbereid door de christenen in Burkina Faso. Het thema voor de week is, ‘Heb God lief en je naaste als jezelf’. (Luc; 10.25-37)

De protestantse kerk De Rots was gastkerk en gaf warme welkom aan allen. De gastvrijheid na de dienst was ook heel fijn. Deken E.H. Miguel Dehondt heeft een boeiende en uitdagende preek gebracht aan de aanwezigen. De oecumene in Ieper is sterk en levend.

Round Table on the Challenges of Ecumenism

On 18 January, the Chaplain-President, supported by the Revd Sarah-Jane King, was the Anglican speaker at an evening round table on ecumenism organised by our good friends at the Chapelle de l'Europe, the Jesuit and ecumenical chaplaincy to the European Quarter in Brussels, in the context of the current Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Father Manuel Prieto (Catholic, the General Secretary of COMECE), Ms Katerina Pekridou (Orthodox, on the staff of CEC) and Pastor Johannes Landau (Lutheran) joined Jack in discussing the challenges and opportunities of 21st century ecumenism. Questions from the audience raised the issue of migration from the Global South as a key factor in transforming all the mainstream European Churches in exciting and life-giving ways.

The Anglican Church in dialogue with the EU

On a cold and snowy 18 January, the Chaplain-President, in his capacity as Bishop Robert's adviser for EU affairs, attended the formal High-Level Meeting between the European Commission and Religious Leaders at the Commission buildings, generally called the Article 17 Dialogue. Representatives of the European Anglican, Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant Churches, together with representatives of European Judaism, Islam and Buddhism, met to discuss the theme "The European way of life in times of instability". There were in fact three Anglican clergy in the room: Jack as EU adviser, the Revd Sarah-Jane King (curate at St Martha and St Mary Leuven and also a civil servant in the European Commission) and Dr Dagmar Winter (Bishop of Huntingdon, acting Bishop of Ely and a Vice-President of the Conference of European Churches ).

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

A service for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in St. John’s Ghent, January 2023.

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ - Luke 10:27 NIV)

‘Tu aimeras le Seigneur, ton Dieu, de tout ton cœur, de toute ton âme, de toute ta force, et de toute ta pensée; et ton prochain comme toi-même.’ - Luc 10:27 (LSG)

‘Heb de Heer, uw God, lief met heel uw hart en met heel uw ziel en met heel uw kracht en met heel uw verstand, en uw naaste als uzelf.’ - Lucas 10:27 (NVB21)

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, held on 18-25 January draws together churches across the Northern Hemisphere under the theme "You shall love the Lord your God ... and your neighbour as yourself" (Luke 10:27).

In Belgium, Christian churches will be gathering to hold ecumenical services throughout this week. Join us in praying for continued unity among the various denominations that serve the people of Belgium.