The Chaplain-President in the European Quarter

On 25 November, the Chaplain-President, in his capacity as Bishop Robert's adviser for EU affairs, attended the final session between the current EU Special Adviser for Freedom and Religion and Belief, Baron Frans van Daele, in which he debriefed on his two years in the role to several interconvictional representatives. We are very hopeful that that the newly-elected European Commission (appointed by the European Council today following the consent given by the European Parliament yesterday) will renew Frans' mandate for a further period.

On 26 November, Jack represented Bishop Robert at a lunch and seminar on migration organised by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, a think-tank linked to the EPP group of MEPs.

On 27 November, Jack represented Lambeth Palace and Bishop Robert at Comece's annual missa pro Europa, concelebrated this year in Notre-Dame des Victoires au Sablon in Brussels by 24 Catholic archbishops and bishops. This was a very public sign by the Catholic Church in Europe of the importance it attaches to its presence in, contribution to and dialogue with the EU.