The Central Committee at the Archdeaconry of Benelux Annual Synod

From 3 to 5 October, the Chaplain-President, Vice-President, Secretary-General and Second Secretary were pleased to attend the annual synod of the archdeaconry of Benelux of the Diocese in Europe, a gathering for prayer, worship, study and discussion by 37 Anglican clergy and 48 Anglican laity who work in Benelux parishes and ministries. The synod has met for the past decade in the beautiful Oude Abdij Drongen near Gent. The synod reminds the Chaplain-President of the European Parliament in the sense that the business tends to take place in English, with French and Dutch being spoken in the wings and at meals! On a busy synod agenda were in-depth discussions of ageing and of youth in the Church, as well as sessions on safeguarding, care for creation and racial justice. Bishop Robert flew in to join the synod from Washington DC, where he had been co-chairing a meeting of the global Anglican-Roman Catholic conversations, IARCCUM.  At a meeting on the final day, the Central Committee was able to present a video outlining our work and to speak in particular about the new Anglican Institute in Belgium.