The annual Archdeaconry Synod of North-West Europe was held in Het Oude Abdij in Drongen from Thursday 5 October until Saturday 7 October. The Secretary-General of the Central Committee was one of roughly 80 delegates from across Benelux to attend. The synod was convened and chaired by Archdeacon Sam Van Leer. Bishop Robert Innis (Diocese in Europe) gave the opening address. There were presentations on: Communications by Ruth Blanco; Fundraising by Juliet Evans, and Women’s Ministry by the Revd Canon Debbie Flach. On Friday, synod heard reports from the Revd Augustine Nwaekwe on Racial Justice; the Revd Canon Stephen Murray on the Youth Network; the Revd Louis Darrant on Living in Love and Faith; and Zélie Peppiette and the newly appointed Archdeaconry Environmental Officer, Peter Boers spoke about Caring for Creation. Additionally, training in church conflict mediation was offered by Sue Haslehurst from Bridge Builders. The final day of synod included business meetings which have been described by the Chaplain-President and Second Secretary. The meetings and reports were all grounded in prayer which took place several times each day.