On 28 September, the Chaplain-President was honoured to represent the Anglicans of Belgium at the Cérémonie du souvenir pour les victimes du tremblement de terre du 9 septembre au Maroc, held at the Great Synagogue of Brussels. In addition to beautiful pieces on the violin and the finest singing from the cantor, the packed synagogue was graced by a sermon from Chief Rabbi Albert Guigui, and by speeches from the President of the Consistoire Israélite Maître Philippe Markiewicz and from the Ambassador of Morocco M. Mohammed Ameur. The whole service was a highly symbolic sign to the people of Belgium that Jew and Muslim are friends, brothers and sisters, and it was a privilege for the Christians present to witness this emotional friendship in the face of the 3,000 people dead and 6,000 people injured by the earthquake earlier this month.