Religious representatives meet with Minister Somers

On Wednesday 20th May, the representatives of the recognised religions in Belgium plus the Sikh and Buddhist communities met with Mr Bart Somers, Flemish Minister for Social Cohesion (Samen Leven), at his offices in Brussels. The Secretary of the Central Committee attended on behalf of the Anglicans. Also present, was a representative from the cabinet of Mr Koen Geens, Federal Minister of Justice. Topic of the day: the reopening of places of worship. Both minister are very supportive that this should happen in the near future. Each community put forward their wishes and concerns, and the minister was very sympathetic to offer any practical and legal help where possible. Each faith community has put together a general protocol for the restart, and each local congregation will have a protocol in place for their specific circumstances. The National Security Council will hopefuly decide and communicate this week or next week.
