Meeting of the FIDIF

On 1 December, the Central Committee hosted the FIDIF (Federale Interlevensbeschouwelijke Dialoog/Dialogue Interconvictionnel Fédéral) at Holy Trinity Brussels. The presidents of Belgian Judaism, Islam, Anglicanism, Protestant-Evangelicalism and Buddhism were present, alongside representatives from Belgian Catholicism, Orthodoxy and Secular Humanism. The Secretary-General and the Second Secretary took the minutes and Guido Bowen (pre-ordination intern at Holy Trinity) kindly served the refreshments. The main agenda items were preparation for another FIDIF conference after the success of our conferences in recent years on "Relgioptimiste", "Jail & Justice" and "Never Alone", and practical preparation for the next Dialoograad/Conseil de Dialogue with the Prime Minister and the Minister of Justice at the end of January.