Meeting of the Federale Interlevensbeschouwelijke Dialoog/Dialogue Interconvictionnel Fédéral

The Central Committee is a member of two official governmental dialogues: the Dialoograad/Conseil de Dialogue, which brings together the federal government (normally the Prime Minister and/or the Minister of Justice) and the Recognised Religions and Laïcité/Vrijzinnigheid, and the VILD (Vlaamse Interlevensbeschouwelijke Dialoog) which brings together the Flemish regional government and the Recognised Religions and Laïcité/Vrijzinnigheid. There is also an informal gathering called the FIDIF (Federale Interlevensbeschouwelijke Dialoog/Dialogue Interconvictionnel Fédéral), at which the Recognised Religions and Laïcité/Vrijzinnigheid meet with representatives from the Ministry of Justice to prepare projects of mutual interest. On 3rd June, the Chaplain-President and Secretary attended a treams meeting of the FIDIF to discuss several matters including the preparation of a major conference on the theme of reactions to the covid pandemic from the point of view of the lifestances.
