On 20 September, the Chaplain-President had the pleasure tinged with sadness of representing the Anglicans of Belgium at the annual prière oecuménique de la rentrée at the Chapelle de l'Europe (Chapelle pour l'Europe | (chapellepourleurope.eu) ), the Jesuit-inspired Christian chaplaincy to the EU Institutions in Brussels, with which the Anglican Church has always enjoyed close relations. Mgr Noël Treanor (papal nuncio to the EU) led the service, assisted by an ecumenical team including the Revd Sarah-Jane King, curate in St Martha and St Mary Leuven. Comte Herman Van Rompuy, president of the Chapelle de l'Europe, gave a fine speech in honour of Père Krystian Sowa, who was leaving his post as director of the Chapelle after 11 years. Père Krystian and the Chaplain-President had spearheaded several initiatives at the Chapelle together in the past, and it was a joy to hear that their "film nights with supper and discussion" are still a popular ministry there. Godspeed to Krystian as he begins his new ministry in the Vatican.