On 26 March, the Chaplain-President, Secretary-General and Second Secretary were delighted to be present at the annual Holy Week chrism eucharist held in Holy Trinity Brussels and presided by Bishop Robert. Two dozen clergy mainly from Benelux and a good handful of lay readers attended to support the bishop in his ministry and to renew their ordination and licensing vows. "Chrism" is the Greek for "anointing", and at a chrism eucharist the bishop blesses the oils which will be used in parishes during the coming year for anointing people at their baptism, ordination and during times of sickness. Bishop Robert preached a very interesting sermon on maintaining brotherly and sisterly love in the Anglican Church at a time when Anglican Christians are divided on issues of human sexuality.
The service was followed by a delicious lunch prepared by the Community Kitchen charity at Holy Trinity Brussels, which continues to prepare 5,000 meals each week for the needy and hungry in Brussels.