100th Anniversary of the Malines Conversations #1

On 4th December, the Commission nationale catholique pour l'oecuménisme / Katholieke Nationale Commissie voor Oecumene (https://oikoumene.be/) organised its annual day-conference online because of the emergency pandemic measures, on the theme of the Anglican-Roman Catholic Malines Conversations of 1921-1925. Further substantial commemorations of these remarkable ecumenical conversations will take place when the pandemic recedes (https://www.malinesconversations.org/). The highlight of the day-conference was a fascinating paper by Lord Williams (https://www.thebritishacademy.ac.uk/fellows/rowan-williams-oystermouth-FBA/) on the history and results of the Malines Conversations. Further papers followed from Metropolitan Athenagoras Peckstadt (Orthodox Church), Pastor Priscille Djomhoué (United Protestant Church) and Canon Adelbert Denaux (Roman Catholic Church).