Welcoming the new British ambassador to Belgium

On 9 September, the Chaplain-President was delighted to represent the Anglicans of Belgium to welcome the new British ambassador to Belgium, Ms Anne Sherriff.  The wonderful contemporary music during the soirée was provided by the band of the Grenadier Guards, who were founded in Bruges in 1656. The Grenadier Guards have notably fought for Belgian liberty on Belgian soil in the Napoleonic Wars and in the Two World Wars, underlining the enduring friendship which exists between Belgium and Britain. Guests from Anglican parishes of Holy Trinity Brussels, St Paul's Tervuren and St John's Gent were also present. The soirée was a fine occasion to renew friendships and to offer the services and wisdom of Belgian Anglicans to the new ambassador as she begins her role.

Celebrating World Fair Play Day

On September 5th, 2024, the Secretary General and the Second Secretary attended an event at the Hôtel de Ville in Brussels to celebrate the 5th World Fair Play Day. This event was organised by the City of Brussels together with the organisations responsible for creating World Fair Play Day: Panathlon Wallonie-Bruxelles, the European Fair Play Movement, the International Committee for Fair Play, and Panathlon International.

The programme included speeches that highlighted the importance of fair play, not only in sports, but in all areas of society. The ceremony culminated with Ms. Kelly T. Clements, Deputy High Commissioner for Refugees, receiving the 2nd "Fair Play for Peace Award" by the European Fair Play Movement on behalf of the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) for their 2022-2026 Sport Strategy “More Than a Game”.

Bishop's Certificate award ceremony

On 4 September, the Chaplain-President was pleased to attend the online diploma ceremony of "Walking together in Faith", the Diocese in Europe Bishop's Certificate course, which enables parishioners in the diocese to learn more about the Christian faith and the Anglican way of living it. Sixteen people from across the Diocese in Europe - including someone from Holy Trinity Brussels - were given their certificates online by Bishop Robert (the physical certificates will be sent by post). The course leader, Dr Clare Amos, invited Jack to attend because he had been involved in the planning stage of the course. The course is free-standing but is also an ideal preparation for training to be a lay reader in the Church of England.

Archbishop Noël Treanor, Papal Nuncio to the EU (1950-2024)

The Central Committee was deeply saddened to hear the news of our friend Noël Treanor's sudden and unexpected death on 11 August. The Chaplain-President was honoured to represent Archbishop Justin and Bishop Robert at Archbishop Noël's funeral at Notre-Dame du Sablon in Brussels on 16 August, where he was also invited to speak about the close friendship between Archbishop Noël and Anglicans in Ireland and Brussels. Our pictures show Archbishop Justin, Bishop Robert and Archbishop Noël at a meeting at COMECE on 14 February organised by the Chaplain-President in his capacity as Bishop Robert's adviser for EU affairs: Archbishop Noël was always a firm friend of ecumenism, of peace, of reconciliation between divided communities in Ireland. We remember him with deep affection and we are grateful that he was our friend. Requiescat in pace ut resurgat in gloria.

Wishing you a restful summer!

We are pleased to inform you that the Central Committee office will remain open during August, although we will be operating on summer hours. Should you require any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact secretary@anglican.be.

Our entire team will resume regular office hours on September 1st.

We wish you a delightful and restful summer break, and we look forward to meeting again in September.

Pendant le mois d’août, le bureau du Comité central restera ouvert, avec un horaire d'été. Si vous avez des questions, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter à l'adresse suivante : secretary@anglican.be.

Toute l'équipe reprendra ses activités le 1er septembre.

Nous vous souhaitons d'agréables et reposantes vacances d'été, et nous nous réjouissons de vous retrouver après la rentrée.

Graag informeren wij jullie dat het bureau van het Centraal Comité open blijft gedurende augustus, met zomeropeningstijden. Mocht u vragen hebben, aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen via secretary@anglican.be.

Het hele team zal weer aan de slag gaan op 1 september.

Wij wensen iedereen een prettige en ontspannen zomervakantie en kijken ernaar uit om elkaar in september weer te zien.

Farewell to Sunny Hallanan #2

Further to our blog of 3 July, the Chaplain-President was delighted to attend the final celebrations of the Revd Sunny Hallanan, Rector of All Saints' Waterloo, on 28 July. Sunny is retiring to be with her family in the United States and her last service in Waterloo was a heartfelt and warm celebration of the parish's dynamism and faithfulness, followed by a delicious lunch served in a local parishioner's garden. Farewell and Godspeed, dear Sunny!

Fête Nationale / Nationale Feestdag 2024

On 21 July, anniversary of the coronation of Léopold I, first King of the Belgians, in 1831, the Chaplain-President was honoured to represent the Anglicans of Belgium, first at the Te Deum in the National Cathedral in the presence of the King and Queen, then at the traditional lunch for the diplomatic corps offered by the Foreign Minister, Mme Hadja Lahbib, in the glorious Palais d'Egmont in Brussels. Jack much appreciated an occasion to meet the other chefs de culte, and noted that the Foreign Minister's speech contained a clear commitment to Belgium as a country of democracy, human rights and the rule of law - a trio of defining qualities which Jack often defends in his roles both as Chaplain-President and as Bishop's Adviser for EU Affairs.

Bon vent à Eric Ghysselinckx #2

Le Comité central a déjà dit son "au revoir et bonne chance" à M. Eric Ghysselinckx, ancien chef du service des cultes et des convictions au SPF Justice, à l'occasion de son départ à la retraite (voir notre blog du 26 octobre 2023). Le 9 juillet, le chapelain-président a eu le plaisir d'assister à la célébration parallèle organisée par le Consistoire Israélite de Belgique à la Grande-Synagogue de Bruxelles, présidée par maître Philippe Markiewicz et le baron Julien Klener. M. Ghysselinckx a été honoré de la médaille du Consistoire Israélite en signe de son soutien constant et de son amitié depuis 40 ans. La célébration a été suivie d'un high tea.

Meeting on Migration at CofE General Synod Fringe

On 6 June, the Chaplain-President, acting as Bishop Robert's advisor for EU affairs, contributed to a meeting at the Fringe of the General Synod of the Church of England (which meets at the University of York for its July sessions) on "United beyond Borders: Migration and Movement", organised by our friends and partners in the USPG, who help the Diocese in Europe with cutting-edge refugee projects in Athens, Kiev, Calais and Brussels. Jack's presentation was entitled "Sahel-exit: Migration to Europe from West Africa", in which he explained how political tensions in French-speaking West Africa are fuelling both increased migration across the Mediterranean and the appalling treatment of migrant workers in the chocolate industry in Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana. Jack and the General Secretary of USPG, the Revd Dr Duncan Dormor (who used to be colleagues as Cambridge University deans of chapel), look forward to continuing this conversation with a view to practical action to help migrant workers in the Gulf of Guinea.

Anglican prison chaplain training

On 3 July, the entire Anglican prison chaplaincy team met at Holy Trinity Brussels for a training-day organised by the new Anglicaans Instituut België/Institut Anglican de Belgique, which now has the obligation to organise training for our prison chaplains. Our team of Egbert van Groesen, Grace West, Charles Kabera and coordinator Eric Sibomana were joined for the first time by two new volunteer recruits, Charles and Balthazar. Morning Prayer and Bible study was followed by sessions on the legal aspects of prison chaplaincy and reflections from the experienced chaplains on the rationale of prison ministry and how Anglican prison chaplains may be of service to the entire prison community. The day ended with Holy Communion in church and lunch provided by Holy Trinity's Community Kitchen.

Discussions with the Filipino Anglican community in Belgium

On 2 July, further to our blog of 19 June below, the Chaplain-President, Secretary-General and Second Secretary were delighted to invite the Revd June Mark Yanez of St Boniface Antwerp, along with several members of the Filipino community in Belgium, for coffee at Holy Trinity Brussels, in order to discuss the possibilities and opportunities for securing a permanent pastoral ministry to Filipino Anglicans in Belgium, alongside our existing parishes.

Thanks, Blessings & Bon Voyage

The Revd. Sunny Hallanan became the Rector of All Saints, Waterloo in 2011. Since then, she has been actively involved in the life and ministry of that parish, the Anglican Church in Belgium, and as part of the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe (The Episcopal Church USA). Sunny has represented the Anglicans at the Belgian national ecumenical committee (OCKB/CECB) as well as many other official roles. At the same time, Sunny has worked hands-on to help refugees and the marginalised in our society. On Sunday 30 June 2024, the Secretary-General was honoured to receive a blessing from Sunny before she retires this summer and returns to the USA. The Central Committee wants to thank Sunny for all her faithful service and we wish her many blessings in her retirement.

Conference of the Wilfried Martens Centre, Brussels

On 26 June, the Chaplain-President, acting in his capacity as Bishop Robert's adviser for EU affairs, attended a conference of the Wilfried Martens Centre (a research centre linked to the mainstream centre-right EPP (European People's Party) group in the European Parliament) entitled Did secularisation kill God? Changes in religiosity and values among "natives" and "migrants" in Europe, which analysed the differences in religious observance across "native" and "migrant" populations in the EU, with migrant populations typically exhibiting a stronger attachment to religious observance as well as to "traditional values". A lively discussion took place. Our friend Dr Torsten Moritz, secretary-general of the Churches' Commission on Migrants in Europe, made a very perceptive speech on the Churches' role in making migrant communities feel that they belong in Europe.

Discussion on prisons with the British Embassy

On 24 June, the Chaplain-President was delighted to have lunch at the British Embassy in Brussels with diplomats specialising in prison policy, to share knowledge and to map out ways in which British citizens who find themselves incarcerated in Belgium can obtain the best level of consular, pastoral and other support. Jack was grateful for the discussion as well as for the excellent gourmet lunch.

King Charles' birthday party at the British Embassy

On 20 June, the Chaplain-President attended the celebrations of the official birthday of King Charles of Great Britain at the British Embassy. This annual event is an excellent opportunity for various Belgian personalities with links to Britain to catch up and meet informally. Jack was able to say farewell on behalf of the Anglicans of Belgium to Martin Shearman, British ambassador to Belgium since 2019 - credit is due to him for doing his best to soften the difficulties in Belgian-British relations caused by Brexit - who is leaving Brussels this summer to take up a post in the FCDO in London.

Conference on hate speech organised by the Conseil Musulman de Belgique

On 20 June, the Chaplain-President was honoured to attend the conference "The contribution of Muslim leaders to combatting hate speech", organised by the Conseil Musulman at the Ministry of Justice buildings. Two panels of distinguished guest-speakers discussed salient issues such as: how to define hate speech, the relation between hate speech and violence, the tension between free speech and hate speech, how religious leaders can contribute towards lessening the evil effects of hate speech. We thank the Ministry of Justice for hosting this event, and our friends Esma Uçan and Michaël Privot at the Conseil Musulman for organising such an interesting and important conference.

One year anniversary of the Filipino Community in Antwerp

On Sunday 16th, the Filipino Community in Antwerp celebrated its one year anniversary. Congratulations!

This community meets one Sunday a month in St. Boniface, Antwerp, for a eucharist service in Tagalog, celebrated by Reverend June Mark Yañez. After the afternoon service, there is always a social moment to share refreshments and fellowship.

Thank you Father June for your ongoing commitment to growing this community and to welcoming Filipinos from across the province of Antwerp! All our good wishes and prayers for their continued flourishing!

Afscheidsfeest voorzitter Collin PARCUM

Het was een feestelijke sfeer bij PARCUM in Leuven op 13 juni 2024 ten ere van de voormalige voorzitter, EH kanunnik Ludo Collin die zijn rol na veel jaren heeft neergelegd. Meer dan twintig jaar geleden is voorzitter Collin begonnen met het oprichten van CRKC vzw om een organisatie te hebben die zorgt voor religieuze kunst, cultuur, erfgoed en patrimonium. Ondertussen is CRKC vzw PARCUM geworden. Naast het expertise centrum in Vlaanderen voor roerend, onroerend en immaterieel erfgoed, heeft PARCUM ook een depot van materiaal voor geloofsgemeenschappen en een museum in het Abdij van Park die schittert met tentoonstellingen vanuit de diverse collectie. De kapelaan-voorzitter en secretaris-generaal hebben de receptie bij gewoond en feliciteren kanunnik Collin voor al zijn jaren in deze sector. Zij wensen hem veel zegeningen en wel verdiende rust in de toekomst.