Ordinations in Gent

On 2 July, the Chaplain-President and the Vice-President participated in four ordinations held in St John's Gent (where the Vice-President is the chaplain). Bishop Robert performed the ordinations. Three of the candidates work in Benelux: the Revd Jonathan Halliwell (whose training was based at Holy Trinity Brussels and who is a former student of the Chaplain-President at KU Leuven) will serve at St John & St Philip Den Haag; the Revd Mark Hafkenscheid will serve at St Mary's Rotterdam; the Revd Sarah Jane King will continue to serve at St Martha & St Mary Leuven. The Revd Glen Ruffle will return to serve at St Andrew's Moscow as soon as the political situation there allows.

Goodbye and thank you, Jo Jan!

30 June was the Revd Jo Jan Vandenheede's final day at work as the Secretary. Jo Jan has stewarded the passage since 2019 from a volunteer part-time Central Committee to our current full-time professional Central Committee, with three permanent full-time posts of Chaplain-President, Secretary-General and Second Secretary. All parts of the Central Committee's work have been improved and placed on a more secure and professional footing by Jo Jan's constant hard work, for which the Chaplain-President, Vice-President, Member and Second Secretary are unreservedly grateful. An informal breakfast was held in HTB on 30 June, with laughter and good cheer the order of the day. We wish Jo Jan all good things as he moves on from the Central Committee to commit to his PhD studies full-time.

High Mass for the 9th anniversary of Pope Francis' election

On 29 June, the Chaplain-President was honoured to attend, along with other ecumenical and diplomatic guests, a solemn mass to celebrate the 9th anniversary of the election of Pope Francis as Bishop of Rome. The mass was celebrated by Cardinal De Kesel, Mgr Franco Coppola (the Papal Nuncio to Belgium and Luxembourg) and the entire Catholic episcopate of Belgium in Notre-Dame des Grâces Brussels, and was followed by a delightful reception for the diplomatic corps and ecumenical guests hosted by the Nuncio in the parish gardens.

Soutenance à la FUTP Bruxelles

Le 22 juin, le chapelain-président a présidé le jury devant lequel son propre étudiant, M. Pacôme Konseibo (Burkina Faso), défendit son mémoire de master intitulé : "La Cène dans les célébrations en virtuel du culte protestant en contexte du covid-19 : sens et pratiques", un sujet très pertinent à la fois pour la recherche académique et pour la vie des Eglises dans notre contexte post-pandémique.

Growing relationship between FPTR Brussel and the Universität Paderborn

On 16 June, the Chaplain-President, as hoogleraar kerkgeschiedenis, took part in a meeting between the academic staff of FPTR Brussel and representatives of the Institut für Evangelische Theologie, Fakultät für Kulturwissenschaften at the University of Paderborn (Germany), with a view to forging new and deep links in the area of research in religious diversity in modern Europe.

University prize at KU Leuven

On 16 June, Mr Matt McNicoll, who formerly sat on the parochial church council of St Martha and St Mary Leuven, received a university prize from KU Leuven for his advanced master's dissertation: "François I and Reformation: towards a Theological Paradigm, 1515-1535", which was supervised by the Chaplain-President. The dissertation was judged the best master's or advanced master's thesis in medieval, Renaissance or Reformation studies. Warm congratulations to Matt for this success and the best of luck for his PhD at KU Leuven on Henry VIII, also supervised by the Chaplain-President!

Evadoc AGM

On 17 June, the Chaplain-President attended the annual general meeting of Evadoc, the Protestants-Evangelisch Archief- en Documentatiecentrum, on which he sits in his capacity as president of Belgian Anglicanism (Evadoc | Protestants-Evangelisch Archief- en Documentatiecentrum ). The AGM was held after lunch at ETF Leuven. There is extensive practical contact between Evadoc and the Anglican parishes in Belgium.

Les anglicans et les autres convictions reconnues célèbrent une année de formation avec Emouna/ Anglicanen en de andere erkende erediensten vieren een vormingsjaar met Emoena

Ce 15 juin a eu lieu, au Club Prince Albert, la journée de conclusion de la deuxième édition de l’année d’études organisée par Emouna (https://www.emouna.be/) pour les animateurs spirituels émanant des courants convictionnels reconnus en Belgique. Deux anglicans ont eu l’occasion de présenter leurs travaux, préparés en groupes avec des représentant d’autres convictions et visant l’accompagnement spirituel des citoyens dans leur vie quotidienne ou face aux épreuves de l’existence. Birte Day a contribué à développper un outil d’accompagnement du deuil en pleine pandémie. Egbert van Groesen a quant à lui participé à un projet de livre de recettes culinaires visant à spiritualiser nos vies quotidiennes.  

Deze 15 juni vond plaats, in de Club Prince Albert, de slotdag van de tweede editie van het studiejaar georganiseerd door Emoena (https://www.emouna.be/)voor spirituele animatoren die voortkomen uit de erkende erediensten in België. Twee anglicanen kregen de kans om hun werk te presenteren, bereid in groepen met vertegenwoordigers van andere religies en levensbeschouwelijks en gericht op de geestelijke begeleiding van burgers in hun dagelijks leven of in het licht van de beproevingen van het bestaan. Birte Day heeft bijgedragen aan de ontwikkeling van een hulpmiddel voor het ondersteunen van rouwverwerking te midden van een pandemie. Egbert van Groesen heeft voor zijn deel meegewerkt aan een culinair receptenboek project gericht op het vergeestelijken van ons dagelijks leven.

Birte Day

Birte Day

Anglican professors at KU Leuven speak to English students

On 15 June, Professor Hector Patmore and the Chaplain-President (who are both Anglican priests) spoke to students at Ripon College Cuddesdon, one of the largest seminaries in the Church of England (Welcome to Cuddesdon | Ripon College Cuddesdon (rcc.ac.uk) ), about their experiences as professors in the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies at KU Leuven (Faculteit Theologie en Religiewetenschappen (kuleuven.be) ). The session was recorded so that other students unable to be present might also explore the idea of doctoral study in Leuven.

Diocesan Synod of the Diocese in Europe 2022

For the first time since 2019 (because of the coronavirus pandemic), the diocesan synod of the Diocese in Europe met at the Kardinal-Schultehaus in Cologne in the first week of June (Diocesan Synod - Diocese in Europe (anglican.org) ). The Chaplain-President was present as the diocese's Living in Love and Faith advocate (Living in Love and Faith | The Church of England ). During synod, Bishop Robert commissioned the Revd Dr Catriona Laing (priest-in-charge of St Martha and St Mary Leuven) as assistant dean of women's ministry in the diocese, alongside Canon Debbie Flach (chaplain of Christchurch Lille) as dean of women's ministry (Diocese appoints Dean and Assistant Dean of Women's Ministry - Latest News (anglican.org) ). The synod was a very happy time of friendship and community after the privations and sufferings of the pandemic.

Sant'Egidio eucharistieviering in Antwerpen

Op 1 mei had de Kapelaan-Voorzitter van het Centraal Comité van de Anglicaanse Eredienst de eer om in de kathedraal van Antwerpen de mis van de katholieke weldadigheid Sant'Egidio bij te wonen, opgedragen door kardinaal Jozef De Kesel (Home - Sant' Egidio (www.santegidio.be)). Op onze foto ziet u eerwaade Ann Babb (Antwerpen) en metropoliet Athenagoras van België, die ook bij de viering aanwezig was.

New Second Secretary on the Central Committee

The Central Committee is extremely grateful to Minister Van Quickenborne for granting a stipend for a Second Secretary to help the Chaplain-President and the Secretary in the exercise of their responsibilities towards the Belgian public authorities as well as towards the Anglican canonical authorities and Belgian Anglicans in general. On 3 May, M. Charles Melebeck began work in this role. We wish him a warm welcome!

Diocesan Synod discusses human sexuality

On 4 May, the Chaplain-President spoke at a special meeting of the Diocesan Synod of the Diocese in Europe (Diocesan Synod - Diocese in Europe (anglican.org)) to discuss the Church of England's report on identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage: Living in Love and Faith (2020): Living in Love and Faith | The Church of England ). The General Synod of the Church of England will debate this report later in 2022.

Couloirs humanitaires/Humanitaire corridors

On 5 May, the Chaplain-President attended a meeting of the Humanitarian Corridors Task Force hosted by Sant'Egidio Belgium (Couloirs humanitaires : Sant’Egidio dresse un premier bilan - Sant' Egidio (santegidio.be) ). In 2019, Humanitarian Corridors Belgium, supported by the Recognised Convictions, brought 150 Syrian refugees, both Christians and Muslims, into safety in Belgium. The Anglican parish in Gent hosted one family. Despite the ongoing refugee crisis for Ukrainians, Humanitarian Corridors hopes to bring 250 Syrian refugees to safety in Belgium during 2022-2023.

Colloque "Neutralité, religion, enterprise" à l'UCLouvain

Les 5 et 6 mai, le Chapelain-Président et M. Eric Sibomana ont participé au colloque international « Neutralité, religion, entreprise », animé par Louis-Léon Christians et Léopold Vanbellingen à l'UCLouvain (Institut de recherche Religions, Spiritualités, Cultures, Sociétés | UCLouvain ). Ce fut l’occasion de riches échanges sur la place de l'appartenance religieuse des salariés au sein de l'Etat neutre.

Meeting with the Bishops' Conference in Belgium

On 12 May, Bishop Robert and the Chaplain-President were honoured to be invited, along with the presidents of the Orthodox, Protestant and Evangelical Churches in Belgium, to a special meeting of the Conférence des Evêques de Belgique/Bischoppenconferentie van België at the Archbishop's Palace in Malines/Mechelen. They discussed Pope Francis' plans for a Synod of Catholic Bishops to meet in 2023 to discuss the Church and synodality. The meeting was followed by a delightful supper.