New Bible Translation in NL

On 23rd October, the Vice-President and Secretary travelled to picturesque Mechelen, to the stunning Begijnhofkerk (beguinage), for the official presentation of the revision of the new Bible translation in NL (NBV21): a translation for and of the 21st century. It concludes a 30-year project which is inter-faith, inter-disciplinary and spans both Flanders and the Netherlands.

More information can be found at Het Nederlands-Vlaams Bijbelgenootschap - De Bijbel voor iedereen

Prison chaplains' training day

Our Anglican prison chaplains team is delighted to participate in the training sessions organised by our friends the Protestants and Evangelicals. On 23rd October, the whole team met at the Christian Center in Sint-Genesius-Rode for a day-training which began with sessions of mutual sharing and continued after lunch with discussion of the psychology of imprisonment. Our photo shows the stipendiary team: (left to right) Eric Sibomana, Egbert van Groesen, Grace West, the Revd Charles Kabera and the Chaplain-President.

FIDIF - Federal and inter-lifestances

On 6th October, the Chaplain-President and M. Eric Sibomana represented the Anglican Church at a meeting of the Federale Interlevensbeschouwelijke Dialoog/Dialogue Interconvictionnel Fédéral, the informal group of representatives of the recognised religions and vrijzinnigheid/laïcité , which prepares for the formal Dialoograad/Conseil de Dialogue with the Federal Government. On the agenda were plans for organising a major conference on the ways in which Belgians have survived and responded to the ongoing Covid pandemic on 23rd November at the Senate.


Comité Anglicaanse GodsdienstOnderwijs - CAGO

On 6th October, the Comité Anglicaans Godsdienstonderwijs met by Zoom to discuss relevant matters about the teaching of Anglican religious education in State schools in Flanders and Brussels. We are in the process of recruiting new stipendiary RE teachers: if this possibility interests you, please email our inspecteur-adviseur, Mevr Birte Day, on


New Covid regulations for Anglican churches

On 1st October, the Secretary wrote to the Anglican parishes with new instructions for public worship, following both decisions of the Concertation Committee of the various Belgian governments and new diocesan guidance from Bishop Robert and Bishop David. The Central Committee's instructions have had to become complex again, being dependent on the location of the Anglican parish.

In the Brussels Capital Region, our ED1 and ED2 of 27th June remain in force unchanged.

In Flanders, our ED3 of 1st September remains in force but with the end of the obligation to wear facemasks in church and the end of any restrictions on hospitality.

In Wallonia, ED3 remains in force unchanged, except in the province of Liège where ED3 remains in force but with the added obligation for all present in church to wear facemasks at all times.

This compexity of guidance, complicated as it seems, in fact points towards a steady relaxation of the covid emergency measures in our land, and we are grateful that the whole country is slowly and steadily emerging from the crisis.



On 1st October, the entire Central Committee was present at a meeting of the Vlaamse Interlevensbeschouwelijke Dialoog (the formal permanent dialogue between the recognised religions and vrijzinnigheid and the Flemish government) held in the cabinet of Vice-Minister-President Bart Somers. This full attendance was a means of introducing Eric Sibomana to this part of the Central Committee's work. The VILD next meets in November at Holy Trinity Brussels, hosted by the Central Committee.


Saint Boniface

The Chaplain-President led the main Sunday service at St Boniface Antwerp (St Boniface Antwerp, an Anglican - Episcopalian Church, welcomes you ) on 26th September, during the holidays of the chaplain, Canon Andrew Wagstaff. The origins of this parish lie in the appointment of the Revd John Nicholson as English chaplain in Antwerp in 1530 - four years before Henry VIII removed the Church of England from communion with Rome. It is now a thriving multicultural parish with a special mission towards seafarers, in association with the Anglican missionary society the Mission to Seafarers (The Mission to Seafarers | Working In Over 200 Ports Worldwide ).


20th Anniversary of the Chapel for Europe, Brussels

On 22nd September, the Chaplain-President co-presided a service to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Chapel for Europe in Brussels: The chapel is run by the Jesuits and has always had a strong ecumenical mission. The service was led by Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant clergy as well as Anglican. Canon Dr Paul Vrolijk and the Revd Sarah-Jane King were present representing our parishes in Brussels and Leuven - Sarah-Jane is also the Anglican Associate on the Chapel's staff team. A letter of support from Cardinal De Kesel was read, and Count Herman Van Rompuy, formerly president of the European Council and honorary president of the Chapel, made a speech.


Inaugural lecture at FPTR Brussels

The opening of the academic year at FPTR Brussel ( was marked by the Chaplain-President, who is professor of church history there, giving a lecture on the relationship between Anglicanism and the Atlantic Slave Trade. The Secretary also teaches at FPTR, and this relationship between the Central Committee and the Protestant Faculty in Brussels is an ongoing sign of practical Anglican-Protestant ecumenism in our land.


Recognised religions and Flemish government discuss support

On Friday 17th September the recognised religions and the Flemish government met online to discuss the possible practical and/or financial support for the religions in order to carry the administrative weight the new Flemish draft decree for the local communities will entail. The concerns for all religions are human resources and the supplies for a well-organised office that can handle all administration required by any future change in the law.


Sant'Egidio calls for solidarity and practical aid

Sant'Egidio, the Christian aid and awareness organisation, which is also stationed in Brussels and with which the Central Committee has close relations, has called for solidarity with Afghan refugees (international) and those still suffering from the floods in Belgium over the summer holidays (local). You can find more news and information about how to offer practical aid via their website.

Central Committee busy in Brussels and Wallonia

On 7th September, the members of the Central Committee had various meetings: Eric Sibomana attended a presentation of Panathlon Wallonie-Bruxelles, of which the Central Committee is an enthusiastic signatory, and the Chaplain-President attended a meeting of management and interfaith chaplains at the Epicura Hospital Hornu to discuss the expansion of interfaith hospital chaplaincy (including Anglican chaplaincy) in Hainaut Province.


Malines Conversations Centenary postponed

On 6th September, the Chaplain-President attended a meeting of the group preparing the centenary celebrations of the historic Malines Conversations between the Catholic and Anglican Churches, which took place in Mechelen from 1921-1927: The difficult decision was made to postpone the principal centenary events mainly until 2023, because of the ongoing pandemic situation. More positive news is that Cardinal De Kesel, indisposed for some time with cancer, is making good progress and we look forward to seeing our great friend exercising his important ministry soon.


Flooding in Knokke

On 26th July, St George's Church Knokke was completely flooded by the storms which passed over Belgium. This is in addition to the flooding of All Saints' Waterloo earlier in the month, and a tiny part of a very alarming trend for climate change-influenced drought and flooding even in our corner of North-Western Europe. The Central Committee looks forward to raising this increasingly disturbing issue at the next Dialoograad/Conseil de Dialogue with the federal government.

Nationale Feestdag / Fête Nationale

On 21st July, the Chaplain-President attended the national Te Deum in the Catholic cathedral in Brussels. In the afternoon, The King and Queen again represented the Nation in the traditional military and civil parade in front of the Palace. This year, as Belgium recovers from the Covid pandemic, and after the terrible flooding in Wallonia the week before, there was a sombre tone in many of the speeches. Eendracht maakt macht! / L'union fait la force ! / Einigkeit macht stark !


The Central Committee meets Sant'Egidio

On 10th July, the Chaplain-President and Vice-President met Mr Mario Marazziti, journalist, deputy in the Italian Parliament and a member of the Community of Sant'Egidio, in St John's Church Gent. They discussed the initiative of the Recognised Religions in 2018 to work with Sant'Egidio to set up a Humanitarian Corridor from the civil war in Syria to Belgium:

This involved a Syrian Muslim refugee family being looked after by St John's Gent for one year. On the agenda for this meeting was the possibility of undertaking a second edition of the Couloir Humanitaire Belgique.
